lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Inclusion in the Museum: A Toolkit Prototype for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Hay algunas cosas interesantes en esta tesis/proyecto. Principalmente cuando hace referencia a Emmons, Cumine, al Diseño Universal y a Firth (aunque todo el tiempo la cita como Firth).
De Cumine cita:
Social interaction tips:
  • Understand that the patron may feel threatened by the physical closeness of others
  • Allow time for a patron to be alone at times and for breaks
  • Go at the patron’s pace when trying to develop a rapport – you may need to adjust to their developmental level
De Emmons:

Emmons (2005) found the following arousing factors:

  • Loud, sudden noises and/or voices
  • Strong odor(s)
  • Fast movement/unexpected movement
  • Bright lights, bright colors
  • Light or unexpected touch
  • Changes in temperature
  • Background stimulation/noise
  • Unpredictable events
Inherently calming factors include:
  • Soft voice
  • Soft odor(s)
  • Steady, expected movement such as rocking
  • Low lights, natural light, muted colors
  • Even temperature
  • Minimal background stimulation/noise
  • Predictable structure and routine (p. 116).
 Sobre el Diseño Universal incluye:
Universal design materials: These include temporary arrows, temporary footprints for suggested patron physical placement guide, picture flip cards with approximate timing space available, and large visual floor-plan map signage.
(són sólo elementos accesorios, no realmente parte del DU) 

Kennedy, J. (2006, Marzo). Inclusion in the Museum: A Toolkit Prototype for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Master Project). University of Oregon, Arts and Administration Program, Oregon, EEUU. 

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